

Our seasoned acupuncturists are experienced in Traditional Chinese Medicine, cupping, moxibustion and prenatal acupuncture. Helping to balance and build woman’s health in all stages of motherhood, with specific labour and birth preparation, as well as postpartum healing.



Do the needles hurt?

Acupuncture is not painful, the needles are very thin and are inserted gently and with great care.

How can acupuncture help me postpartum?

Acupuncture is very useful postpartum for muscle tension from holding baby and sleeping in strange positions. It can be helpful for low milk supply and is very good for reducing stress and overwhelm. It can help balance hormones and energy as well.

What does acupuncture do?

There are many channels called meridians that flow through the whole body and by accessing particular points along these channels it promotes flow and circulation to tissues, muscles and organ systems. Acupuncture can increase endorphins for pain and can help release feel good hormones. It supports the endocrine system and helps to bring balance to a person that may not be in harmony with themselves and their environment.